Last Saturday (24/6/23) I advanced 3 ideas for further research as to emerging #technologyadoption for #msmes in #developingcountries.
My focus was #esg, the powerful #tool to #streamline actions needed and the #pockets that more can be #exploited.
The 3 #foodforthought were:
1. #iot, #bambooproducts, #wastetoresource, #energyefficiency, and #circulareconomy of #5r;
3. #segregation of #technology by #enterprises of #micro (#ai, #3d and #blockchain), #small (#iot) and #medium (#facialrecognition, #robotics and #automation)
The full speech is appended which I cited and used a number of visuals taken from #opensources, including various #outstandingworks of our Malaysian Association of Public Advocacy for Nature (MAPAN) founding members.
#gratitude and #credits to those, walking before me, to produce the fine pieces that I relied on!