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Is Carbon Credit an Answer to ESG?

YES, because #carbonoffset removes not only #greenwashing but also #greenhushing.

UNDER the #publicprivatepartnership domain of #sustainability, it is the #regulators' responsibility to afford controlled landscape for the systematic growth of #carbonmarket, whether voluntary or otherwise.

WITH legitimate #carbontrading, emitters can no longer claim ignorance as to #carbonreduction, which is a whole-of-nation initiative to eliminate enterprises from green-hushing.

SUBSTANCE over form, interests and priorities of business community must be given pragmatic consideration since #esg is a whole-of-community engagement that involves investment and #roi rather than just standards or compliance.

FIRMS are intelligent to comprehend that unabatable #ghg and last mile #co2 are cost prohibitive without #carboncredit as no operations existed with economy of scale and cost effectiveness and time efficiency being ignored.

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