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ESG Standards and Frameworks

Writer's picture: Aqila HanifAqila Hanif

BY and large, #sdgs are the domain of worldwide collective efforts to tackle #globalwarming.

DOWN to business level, #esg with quantitative metrics are applied, aligning with the 17 goals and 169 targets of #unsdg, to undertake #climateactions and achieve #ndc committed by the individual nations in the world.

DECARBONIZATION is the core to all #environmentalsocialandgovernance agenda and relates naturally to #productivityincrease, #costreduction and #marketexpansion for businesses.

FOR the economy, various jurisdictions including #Malaysia, hopes to be more competitive to attract #fdi to attain the #highwagenation status and accomplish its #lowcarbontransition.

TO be practical, firms should always follow the global #sustainability reporting regime of its key customer/s to demonstrate their #customercentric focus and operating within the #stategic directions conveyed through visions, missions and #qualityobjectives.

IN Malaysia, substance over form disclosure requirements to advance #humanity and #civilization encompassing all the major international dictations are embodied in National Sustainability Reporting Frameworks (NSRF).

NSRF is endorsed by the Ministry of Finance with a joint committee headed by Securities Commission Malaysia, and involved Bursa Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, Companies Commission Of Malaysia / Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) and few other regulatory agencies.

HENCE, all sizeable businesses in Malaysia are mandated to adopt in phases and according to size of companies, where applicable and without due cost and inconvenience, the bodies of NSRF that is already in force as of January #2025.

PACE approach of the NSRF provides assistance in #esg capacity building till 2030, consisting of toolkits and carbon calculator which will be helpful to even #msmes servicing #plcs and large non-listed companies as #supplychain value-adders.

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