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Bamboo on Its Own?

Some #bamboo are used for construction and furnitures, etc. as if wood and has been classified as #timber all along.

Unlike wood that is commonly subjected to #deforestation risk which is bad for #globalwarming, bambusa grows rapidly and can be cultivated for #carbonsink, #floodmitigation and downstream processed products such as activated carbon, bamboo salt and herbal organic ranges of high commercial and medical values.

The potential of bamboo farming as a #netzero #nbs is potent and more research on its #esg market expansion and capacity building (like those happening in #china) are intrinsically worthwhile #climateactionnow option for #malaysia.

Diversifying away from purely relying on #oilpalm and #rubber is a national priority and way forward #esg strategy for a nature resources rich country with the right temperature and soil conducive to bamboo species.

What it means for regulation is bamboo must be treated separately as a whole of nation top agenda in #globalwarming.

#esg centric law on it has to be enacted quickly to facilitate its systematic growth commensurate to protecting the interest of investors, farmers and users alike.

Wider spread of bamboo plantations must be viewed from the perspectives of its instrumental roles in enabling cheaper and faster #decarbonization, #ndc, #netzero and #lowcarboneconomy achievement for a responsible signatory to #parisagreement!

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