Our Values
At MAPAN, our Five Core Values are as the following:

1. Populate ESG Awareness
To spur Early Adoption and introduce Accreditation scheme of Cps (Competent Person for Sustainability)

2. Promulgate Digitization & Automation
To fast track Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

3. Handhold Industries to Embrace ESG
ESG Courses (Supply Chain & ESG related Laws)
Measureable Decarbonization
ESG Certification (SASB)
Productivity Increase
Cost Reduction
Urban Farming (Community Farm)
Waste-to-Resource (Plastic Recycling)
Bamboo Oxygen Park (BOP) [Note: Bamboo has high CO2 absorption rate]

4. Facilitate ESG Compliance
Scopes 1-3 Emissions

5. Promote Malaysian ESG Standards
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)